May is National Physical Fitness & Sports Month
Let’s get physical! Now that the warm weather is finally upon us, there’s no better time to start getting into shape and developing an exercise routine than right now. We know that many of you will say, “I want to, but there’s just not enough time in the day.” We…
The NYCDCC Benefit Funds is now on Facebook
In case you haven't seen or heard, in an effort to connect with members on a more personal level, the New York City District Council of Carpenters (NYCDCC) Benefit Funds is now on Facebook! If you want to receive breaking news about your benefits, tips for using your health and…
Labor Technical College Hosts 45th Annual Graduating Apprentice Contest
On Wednesday, April 16th, the NYCDCC Labor Technical College (LTC) hosted its 45th Annual Graduating Apprentice Contest. The exciting event not only featured competition among highly skilled apprentices, but it also served as a showcase for industry trends and demonstrations as well. Considering all the action, it was no surprise…
Important Notice to NYCDCC Members Filing for Unemployment
It has come to our attention that some NYCDCC members who have been out of work long enough to qualify for Unemployment Insurance (Click HERE to check New York State qualifications) have been listing the NYCDCC Benefit Funds as their last employer when filling out the application. This is NOT…
WC&C Offering 12 College Scholarships in 2014
The Association of Wall Ceiling & Carpentry Industries of New York, Inc. (WC&C) is now offering twelve (12) $3,000 scholarship awards for 2014. Applicants must have a parent who is a member in good standing with the New York City District Council of Carpenters. Scholarships will be open to both…