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Archives - May 2018

Archives - May 2018

Upcoming Vacation Payments to be Transmitted May 31st

Please be advised that your June vacation payments, regardless of whether you are being paid via rapid! PayCard or direct deposit, will be transmitted on Thursday, May 31st. You can check your balance to confirm receipt of your payment in the following ways: rapid! PayCard- Call (877) 380-0980, or create/log…

Comparing your Previous Dental Plan Administered by Aetna to your New Scheduled Dental Plan Administered by ASO/SIDS

Effective January 1, 2018, the New York City District Council of Carpenters Welfare Fund (the “Fund”) changed your dental coverage on behalf of the Board of Trustees. The change involved a switch from your previous dental plan administered by Aetna DMO (“Aetna”) to a new scheduled dental plan administered by…

Retirement Services Department Provides Recommendations for a Smoother Retirement Process

As we are sure you recognize, transitioning from an active worker to a retiree is a tremendously important, life-changing process. When you decide to retire, it is the job of the Fund Office, and more specifically our Retirement Services Department, to ensure that your transition is smooth, successful, and as…

MEND CORNER: May is Mental Health Awareness Month

During the month of May, MEND and the rest of the country are raising awareness for mental health issues. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. (43.8 million or 18.5%) experience mental illness in a given year, and approximately 1 in…
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