Preventing Exercise Injuries
Summer will be here before you know it, which leaves you with just a short amount of time to get “beach body” ready. Before rushing into intense workouts though, it’s important to make sure your body is prepared for that kind of muscle strain. Readying your body for exercising is…
Congratulations to the 2016-2017 Charles Johnson Jr. Memorial Scholarship Winners
Twenty-five students were recently awarded the Charles Johnson Jr. Memorial Scholarship for the 2016-17 academic year. Each student will now receive a $3,500.00 per year scholarship, which is renewable up to four years at an accredited college or university. The NYCDCC Benefit Funds would like to extend our sincerest congratulations…
NYCDCC Pension Fund 104(d) Notice to Contributing Employers
To view the NYCDCC Pension Fund 104(d) Notice to Contributing Employers, please click the link below. NYCDCC Pension Fund 104(d) Notice for Year Ending 2015- April 2016
NYCDCC Pension Fund 104(d) Notice to Contributing Employers- April 2016
To view the NYCDCC Pension Fund 104(d) Notice to Contributing Employers, please click the link below. NYCDCC Pension Fund 104(d) Notice for 2014 Plan Year- April 2016
To Go to the Emergency Room or Not… That is the Question
Emergencies can happen any time and at any moment. This goes for whether you accidently cut your finger while making dinner, or your child develops a fever in the middle of the night. When these circumstances come up, how do you know if it’s a true emergency? Should you go…
Let Empire BlueCross BlueShield Help you Lose Weight
Losing weight doesn’t have to be an awful task. In fact, Empire BlueCross BlueShield has provided a useful tool to help you get rid of those unwanted pounds. Empire BlueCross BlueShield’s Weight Center will not only help you lose weight, but also save money too! Empire BlueCross BlueShield’s Weight Center…
Automatic Payment Requirement for Retiree Welfare Coverage Premiums Effective July 1, 2016
Effective July 1, 2016, all Retirees will be required to pay their monthly premiums for Retiree Welfare coverage via an automatic payment. For those of you to whom this requirement applies, this notification should have already been received in the mail. As stated in the mailing, there are two options…