Reciprocity is a special provision under the International Reciprocal Agreement that allows members to have hours and contributions transferred to your Home Fund, the New York City District Council of Carpenters Benefit Funds, when you temporarily work in another Jurisdiction.
The Outside Jurisdiction must be signed to the International Reciprocal Agreement in order for NYCDCC Benefit Funds to accept these contributions on your behalf. Welfare, Pension and/or Annuity Funds are reciprocated (transferred). You must be a member of a NYC Local Union for the NYCDCC Benefit Funds to accept your contributions from an Outside Jurisdiction.
A signed Reciprocal Authorization form must be submitted for each Outside Jurisdiction in which contributions were accepted for you. These forms are only for NYCDCC members and all Outside Jurisdictional members must contact their Home Fund and have a copy forwarded to the NYCDCC Benefit Funds.
These forms need to be signed only once for each Jurisdiction the member will be working in and must be canceled in writing.
Reciprocal Forms
To request any forms or documents that you do not see available on the website, please call the Benefit Funds Call Center at (800) 529-FUND (3863) or (212) 366-7373.
What is a Pro-Rata Pension?
Pro-Rata pensions were developed for members who, because their years of employment are divided among different pension plans, would not otherwise have enough Vesting Credits to receive a pension.
How do I find out if the Outside Jurisdiction is signed to the International Reciprocal Agreement?
Please call your Benefit Funds Office to inquire.
What do I need to do to have contributions made on my behalf to an Outside Fund transferred to my Home Fund?
Notify the NYCDCC Benefit Funds Office and request a Reciprocal Authorization form for applicable Outside Funds.
What Benefits are reciprocated?
Welfare, Pension and Annuity Benefits are reciprocated if the Outside Jurisdiction has a signed International Reciprocal Agreement for each Fund.
What does it mean for benefits to be reciprocated?
Over the course of your career, you may work in the jurisdictions of different District Councils and have contributions made on your behalf to other Carpenters Funds. If those other Carpenters Funds have signed the International’s Reciprocal Agreement, you may be able to have those contributions transferred to the NYCDCC Welfare, Pension and Annuity Funds, as explained above.
*Disclaimer: The Funds have prepared these informal answers to frequently asked questions for the convenience of our participants and contributing employers. The Funds have made every effort to provide accurate answers, but they are not legally binding and do not address every possible situation. The Collection Policy, Trust Agreements, and Collective Bargaining Agreements are official legal documents and supersede any inconsistent statements herein.