June 2017- Vacation Payments Update
Some participants have recently contacted the Benefit Funds to inquire about June vacation payments. To help answer your questions, we have prepared the following update: The vacation checks (covering the 1st quarter of 2017), will be mailed out during the first full week in June. If you wish to…
How Pensioners and Future Pensioners can Access Personal Benefits Information through the Member Log-In Area of the NYCDCC Benefit Funds’ Website
Regardless of whether you are already a pensioner or you are vested and eligible to eventually receive a pension upon retirement through the New York City District Council of Carpenters (“NYCDCC”) Pension Fund, you have the ability to access important personal benefits information through the Member Log-In area of the…
Direct Deposit Option to be Added for Future Vacation Payments, Debit Card Program Postponed until September as a Result
Following the Fund Office announcing plans to move toward vacation payments via debit card in lieu of paper checks beginning in June 2017, we heard feedback from the membership asking if we could also provide an option for payments to be made by direct deposit. The Fund Office, along with…