November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month
November is officially Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Lung cancer has a survival rate of 15% and is currently the leading cause of cancer death. It is the second most common cancer among both men and women in the United States. This year, the American Cancer Society estimates about 221,200…
ACA: Large Employer Reporting Requirements for 2016
The following memorandum provides a brief summary of upcoming reporting requirements for employers under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (the “ACA”) that will begin in 2016. To read the document in PDF Form, please click HERE.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Medicare Enrollment Responsibilities and YOU
If you and/or your covered dependents are eligible for Medicare, or become eligible for Medicare, and your current Fund eligibility is not based upon your (or a family member’s) bank hours, please note that Medicare will have the primary responsibility for your claims. Because of this, the NYCDCC Welfare Fund…
Dependents’ Social Security Numbers Needed for IRS Reporting Requirements
Some of you may soon receive a mailing from the NYCDCC Benefit Funds requesting Social Security Numbers (SSNs) for one or more of your dependents covered by the Welfare Fund. This mailing is scheduled to only be sent to members for whom the Welfare Fund does not have all of…
Save Time and Money by Knowing All Your Quick Care Options
What do you do when you’re sick and your doctor isn’t in? Most people end up spending a fortune on health care by going to the emergency room to get treated when they need care right away. Is that your only option? The answer is no. There are other quick…