Aetna Dental Plan – Orthodontia Benefit Enhancement
March 3, 2015

Effective immediately (retroactive to 10/1/14), the Aetna dental plan will now include coverage for orthodontia treatment that was started prior to October 1, 2014.
What does this mean?
- Orthodontic treatment that started before your Aetna coverage began may be eligible for a prorated benefit.
- You are responsible for the portion of the treatment that occurred before your coverage began.
- The months of treatment that occur after your plan effective date can be considered for coverage.
- You may continue to receive treatment with your current orthodontia provider. You do not need to switch to a network orthodontist.
Do you have orthodontia claims that should be covered under the plan?
Contact Aetna directly by calling (855) 201-8436. A Member Services Representative will be able to assist you.