Be Aware of Requests for Zoom Meetings Received Via Phone or Text Message from Non-Benefit Funds or Local Union-Related Numbers
October 28, 2021
The Benefit Funds has recently received reports from some members stating that they have been contacted by a person (or persons) posing as representatives of the Fund Office or one of the Local Unions. In these contacts, members have asserted that the representative has requested to meet with them via Zoom and has followed up by sending an alleged Zoom link.
Please be aware that the Benefit Funds and/or Local Unions are not currently undertaking such processes, and as such, the organization can only assume that the alleged representative is attempting a scam of some sort. To avoid potentially exposing yourself to such scams, you should do the following if you are contacted regarding a Zoom call:

- Do NOT click the link. Take note of the phone number you are receiving the call or text message from. If the phone number is not a number you can identify as a Benefit Funds or Local Union contact, disregard it.
- Call the Benefit Funds at (800) 529-FUND (3863) immediately after you receive the text message or call and report it to a Member Services Representative. Our representatives can confirm whether or not the Fund Office attempted to reach out to you. You can also call your Local Union to ask them about the call/texts received as well.
- If you confirm that the call did not come from the Benefit Funds or your Local Union, block the phone number on your cell phone immediately.