December 12, 2013
New York City District Council of Carpenters
Annuity Plan
December 2013
Dear New York City District of Council of Carpenters Member,
The Board of Trustees of the New York City District Council of Carpenters Annuity Plan is pleased to announce a disbursement of assets from the Plan’s administrative account to its participants. Thanks to cost savings and investment gains, the administrative account of the Annuity Plan has grown so that excess funds can be reallocated to participants.
On December 20, 2013, $359.37 will be added to your Annuity Plan account and invested in the same manner as your current contributions, or if there are no contribution instructions on file, the NYC Carpenters Default Balanced 65/35 Fund.
If you wish to make changes to your Annuity Plan investment options, you may do so at any time by going to or calling 1-877-PRU-2100 (1-877-778-2100).
The Board of Trustees
New York City District Council of Carpenters Annuity Plan
Prudential Retirement’s group variable annuity contracts are issued by Prudential Retirement Insurance and Annuity Company (PRIAC), Hartford, CT, a Prudential Financial company.
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