REMINDER: How to Enter Direct Deposit Information for Vacation Payments
January 25, 2019

As all of you are now aware, the NYCDCC Welfare Fund moved to paperless vacation payments in September of 2017. This means you are now receiving your vacation payments through direct deposit or a rapid! PayCard Debit Mastercard. For those of you who are currently receiving your payments via a rapid! PayCard Debit MasterCard or would like to switch the personal savings or checking account in which you are receiving direct deposit, we are re-posting instructions for how to enter your direct deposit information below.
Instructions on how to enter your personal savings or checking account information on the Benefit Funds’ website:
If you wish to receive your vacation payment(s) via direct deposit to your personal savings or checking account, you must enter your information through the Benefit Funds’ website. If you do not enter your direct deposit information, you will automatically receive (or continue to be paid) through a rapid! PayCard Debit Mastercard. To provide us your direct deposit information, please do the following:
- Go to
- Click the “Member Log-In” button located on the top right corner of the screen.
- Log into the website using your Username (UBC #) and Password. (If you are having trouble logging into your account, you can contact our Member Services Department for assistance.)
- Check the box agreeing to the terms of the website and click “Continue.”
- After you agree to the website terms, select the “View Add/Edit Banking Information” option and click “Continue.”
- Once you move to the next screen titled “Banking Information,” click the “Vacation” box.
- Upon entering the screen titled “Authorization Agreement for Automated Deposits (Credits),” select either “Checking” or “Savings” under “Choose Account Type” using the pull-down menu.
- After selecting the account type, enter all of your relevant banking information (Transit/Routing/ABA Number and Account Number) using the form that appears on the screen.
- Re-enter your Transit/Routing/ABA Number and Account Number to confirm that the information is correct.
- Check the box located underneath the banking information you just entered to authorize the Welfare Fund to distribute direct deposit payments to your account.
- Make sure all of the necessary information requested is filled out and correct, and then click “Submit” at the bottom of the screen.
- If your banking information is successfully entered, you will then receive a message that notifies you that your form has been submitted and provides you a confirmation number. If you receive an error message instead, please correct the error and resubmit the form.
If you have any questions concerning how to log into the website or how to enter your direct deposit information, please contact our Member Services Department at (800) 529-FUND (3863).