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New York City District Council of Carpenters Training Center (“CTC”) Creates Printable COVID-19 Safety Guidelines

The New York City District Council of Carpenters Training Center ("CTC") recently created a four-page printable guide for members, supervisors, and foreman to use for discussing COVID-19 protection and safety procedures on the job site. To view this informative document, you can click the image below. To see more information…

Unemployment Insurance (UI) Benefits and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) Resources for New Yorkers

The federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act has allowed states, include New York, to provide enhanced UI benefits and PUA for those who need it. To learn more, including whether or not you qualify to receive UI and/or PUA, please check out the resources from the New…

UPDATED: Statement from NYCDCC Executive Secretary-Treasurer Joseph Geiger on Essential Construction during COVID-19 Pandemic

UPDATE:  After EST Geiger's earlier statement, Governor Cuomo announced that all non-essential construction work in New York will be temporarily shut down effective April 3rd. Please read EST Geiger’s new statement below. The New York City District Council of Carpenters ("NYCDCC") Executive Secretary-Treasurer Joseph Geiger released the following statement concerning…

Helpful Coronavirus (COVID-19) Related Materials Courtesy of Empire BlueCross BlueShield

Since the beginning of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Fund Office has worked to provide you with helpful information you may need to manage the unprecedented situation our country is currently facing. Given the health threat this pandemic has caused, most of this information has rightfully focused upon your welfare…

A Few Things to Keep in Mind about your Mental Health During the COVID-19 Outbreak

When outbreaks such as the Coronavirus (COVID-19) occur, it is normal to experience both fear and anxiety. Outbreaks like the one we are currently experiencing can trigger a feeling of powerlessness. The following are considerations that were developed by the World Health Organization (“WHO”) as support for mental and psychological well-being…

Frequently Asked Questions- Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Is COVID-19 testing covered for NYCDCC Welfare Fund participants? For our Active, Non-Medicare Eligible, and Medicare-Eligible participants, the cost for Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing, including doctor’s visits, has been fully waived by the Fund. Where can I find information relating to COVID-19, including how to approach getting tested? Empire BlueCross BlueShield…

How to Check your Welfare Hours and Eligibility through the Member Login Portal (i-Site)

The Fund Office has received inquiries from members asking how they can check their Welfare hours and eligibility through the Member Login Portal (i-Site) of the Benefit Funds' website. To assist the membership in this endeavor, the Fund Office has composed step-by-step instructions regarding this process. Please see below for…

Prudential: Simple Strategies to Weather Market Volatility

Given the current unstable situation with the stock market due to the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it seems like a good time to remind NYCDCC Annuity Fund participants that market volatility is a fact of life for all plans that rely on investments. These plans often require strategy and patience…

NYCDCC Welfare Fund Update Regarding Cost Share Waivers for Testing and Related Coverage for Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Since the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic first began to surface, the NYCDCC Welfare Fund has been providing you information concerning how your providers (Empire BlueCross BlueShield for active participants/dependents and UnitedHealthcare for Medicare-Eligible Retirees) would cover COVID-19 related visits, testing, and other associated costs. We are now pleased to announce that…

Potential Changes to NYCDCC Annuity Fund Rules to Help Participants During Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak

  Many of the rules that govern the NYCDCC Annuity Fund through Prudential come from the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), which is regulated by the United States Federal Government. The Federal Government is reported to be considering making temporary modifications to the IRC in order to provide some relief to…

Fund Office Operations at 395 Hudson Street Will be Temporarily Suspended Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

-Office Will Operate Remotely and Continue to Service Membership Until it is Deemed Safe to Return -The Health of Our Members and Employees is Our Number One Priority     Due to ongoing concerns regarding the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) throughout the United States, and particularly New York City,…

NYCDCC Welfare Fund to Waive Co-payments for Coronavirus (COVID-19) Testing

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, the New York City District Council of Carpenters Welfare Fund is pleased to report that all Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing under the Empire BlueCross BlueShield plan will have related co-payments waived for eligible participants and dependents. Although a mandate from the federal government to…

Carpenters Training Center to Postpone Classes for Two Weeks Effective March 16th; Exhibits and Open House Scheduled for April 7th also Postponed

Given the current state of affairs with the Coronavirus (COVID-19), and out of an abundance of caution, the New York City District Council of Carpenters Training Center (CTC)  has decided to postpone all classes scheduled for the next two weeks, effective March 16th. The CTC will monitor the situation carefully…

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

The NYCDCC Welfare Fund and MSK Direct, a program that offers you guided access to expert cancer care, have once again collaborated to bring you cancer education and awareness. Since March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness month, we have decided to focus on providing you information concerning this important topic. Please see…

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Fact Sheet

As many of you may have already seen in the news, the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), which originated in China, has begun to spread to other parts of the world, including Europe, and to a lesser extent thus far, the United States. At this point in time, although the chances of…

Quarterly Vacation Payments for March to be Transmitted by March 1st

Please be advised that your "March" vacation payments, regardless of whether you are being paid via rapid! PayCard or direct deposit, will be transmitted by Sunday, March 1st. You should check your balance by end-of-day on the 1st to confirm receipt of your payment. You can do so in the…

Save the Date: NYCDCC Training Center’s 51st Annual Graduating Apprentice Exhibits and Open House

Save the Date! On Tuesday, April 7th, 2020, from 8:00am to 4:00pm, the New York City District Council of Carpenters Training Center ("CTC") is hosting exhibits and an open house for its graduating apprentice class at 395 Hudson Street, New York, NY, 10014, 2nd floor. All are welcome to attend!…

Important Notice for NYCDCC Welfare Fund Participants Transitioning to UHC Coverage for Medicare-Eligible Retirees

-Copies of Medicare Cards Must be Sent to the Fund Office Prior to Effective Date of UHC Coverage Effective January 1, 2020, all NYCDCC Medicare-Eligible Welfare Fund participants who are transitioning to UnitedHealthcare ("UHC") coverage must provide the Fund Office with copies of their Medicare Cards prior to the effective…

NYCDCC Welfare Fund Participants Should Provide Doctors/Medical Facilities New ID Card Information Prior to Visit

As the Fund Office previously reported, Empire BlueCross BlueShield ("Empire") mailed new ID cards to Active participants/dependents and Non-Medicare Eligible Retiree participants/dependents in the New York City District Council of Carpenters ("NYCDCC") Welfare Fund with an effective date of January 1, 2020. The Fund Office also reported that you must…

NYCDCC Welfare Fund Expands Partnership with MSK Direct to Offer Collaborative Focus on Screening and Education: Breast Health

Your health is important and the NYCDCC Welfare Fund is committed to ensuring you and your families have access to high quality care and resources. In September, we announced our partnership with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (“MSK”). This partnership offers all* NYCDCC members, retirees, and your families immediate access…
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