Board of Trustees Approves Improvement to Dental Plan Effective January 1, 2018
We have great news for participants in the NYCDCC Welfare Fund! The Trustees have listened to and heard your concerns about having broader access to dental care. In response to your concerns, the Board of Trustees is pleased to announce that effective January 1, 2018, the Welfare Fund’s dental program…
Registration to Receive December Vacation Payments via Direct Deposit is Now Open
Now that your September vacation benefits have been paid out, registration to receive December (and all future) vacation benefits via direct deposit is now open as of September 12th. Regardless of whether you received your September vacation payment through a rapid! PayCard, or you attempted to sign up for direct…
Beware of Scam Phone Calls and Emails Disguised as Vendors
The Fund Office has recently received some reports of scammers calling and/or emailing members pretending to be vendors such as BlueCross BlueShield. In these phone calls or emails, the scammers have attempted to extract personal information from members by asking questions that are allegedly related to their coverage. They often…
Vacation Payments to be sent September 1st
Please be advised that your September vacation payments, regardless of whether you are being paid via rapid! PayCard or direct deposit, will be sent on September 1st. You should check your balance by the end of the day to confirm receipt of your payment in the following ways: rapid! PayCard-…
MEND Corner: Recognizing and Treating Alcoholism
What do we mean by Alcoholism? Alcoholism, clinically referred to as Alcohol Use Disorder, is a disease that includes alcohol craving and continued drinking despite repeated alcohol-related problems, such as job jeopardy. What are the four main characteristics of Alcohol Use Disorder? Craving: A strong need, or compulsion, to drink…
Sign Ups for September Vacation Payments via Direct Deposit are Now Closed
As of Tuesday, August 1st, sign ups for September vacation payments via direct deposit are now closed. This means that if you are eligible for a September vacation payment, but have not yet provided us your direct deposit information, you will automatically be sent a rapid! PayCard Debit Mastercard within…
Reviewing your Explanation of Benefits (“EOB”) to Prevent Improper Charges and Health Care Fraud
When you (or a covered dependent) receive health care services from a doctor or other health care provider/facility, a claim is generally submitted on your (or your covered dependent's) behalf to your insurance company (For the NYCDCC Welfare Fund, these companies include Empire BlueCross BlueShield, Express Scripts, and Aetna.) Once…
REMINDER: All those Wishing to Receive Vacation Payments via Direct Deposit for September must Provide Banking Information by End of July
As many of you have seen or heard by now, the NYCDCC Welfare Fund is providing members an opportunity to receive vacation payments via direct deposit beginning in September. This is part of the Fund Office’s paperless vacation payments initiative. Members who do not sign up for direct deposit will…
MEND Program Peer Support Group: Reminder and Time Change for July
Due to the Independence Day holiday, the July Peer Support Group meeting is being moved from the first Wednesday of the month, July 5th, to Wednesday, July 12th. As always, the meeting will take place at 395 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014 on the 5th floor. As a reminder,…
2017-18 Scholarship Winners Honored at Luncheon in Manhattan
On Friday, June 9th, 2017, winners of the Charles Johnson Jr. Memorial Scholarship were honored in Manhattan. For those who may not be aware, the NYCDCC Welfare Fund offers a Scholarship Program (known as the “Charles Johnson Jr. Memorial Scholarship”) for unmarried, dependent, biological, or adopted children of eligible members.…
Instructions for Entering Direct Deposit Information for Vacation Payments and Viewing Vacation Pay Stubs
Last month, an announcement was made that the New York City District Council of Carpenters Welfare Fund (the “Welfare Fund”) was postponing the implementation of its paperless vacation benefits program until September 2017 in order to add an option for direct deposit payments to be made via your personal checking…
June 2017- Vacation Payments Update
Some participants have recently contacted the Benefit Funds to inquire about June vacation payments. To help answer your questions, we have prepared the following update: The vacation checks (covering the 1st quarter of 2017), will be mailed out during the first full week in June. If you wish to…
How Pensioners and Future Pensioners can Access Personal Benefits Information through the Member Log-In Area of the NYCDCC Benefit Funds’ Website
Regardless of whether you are already a pensioner or you are vested and eligible to eventually receive a pension upon retirement through the New York City District Council of Carpenters (“NYCDCC”) Pension Fund, you have the ability to access important personal benefits information through the Member Log-In area of the…
Direct Deposit Option to be Added for Future Vacation Payments, Debit Card Program Postponed until September as a Result
Following the Fund Office announcing plans to move toward vacation payments via debit card in lieu of paper checks beginning in June 2017, we heard feedback from the membership asking if we could also provide an option for payments to be made by direct deposit. The Fund Office, along with…
May is National Stroke Awareness Month
Since May is National Stroke Awareness Month, we thought it would be a good time to provide you some useful resources concerning the main causes of strokes, general ways to prevent strokes, and early warning signs of having a stroke. Considering that, according to the American Stroke Association, someone in…
NYCDCC Training Center (“CTC”) Hosts 48th Annual 4th Year Graduating Apprentice Open House/Exhibit
On Wednesday, April 12th, the NYCDCC Training Center ("CTC") hosted its 48th Annual 4th Year Graduating Apprentice Open House/Exhibit. The event, which is highly anticipated each year, once again served to not only showcase the skills apprentices have learned during their last four years at the CTC, but it also…
Don’t Forget to Take Advantage of LiveHealth Online!
Effective September 1, 2016 the NYCDCC Welfare Fund launched LiveHealth Online. If you haven't tried it yet, don't forget to give it a shot! The Basics Virtual Doctor Visits Available Through Two-Way Video Connection Must Have Camera, Audio, and High-Speed Internet Utilize Computer Or Smartphone/Tablet The Details Access To Board…
Congratulations to the 2017-2018 Charles Johnson Jr. Memorial Scholarship Winners
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, the NYCDCC Benefit Funds is pleased to announce that twenty-five students were recently notified that they have been awarded the Charles Johnson Jr. Memorial Scholarship for the 2017-2018 academic year. Each student will now receive a $3,500.00 per year scholarship, which is renewable…
Save the Date: NYCDCC Training Center’s 48th Annual Graduating Apprentice Event
Save the Date! On Wednesday, April 12th, from 8:00am to 4:00pm, the New York City District Council of Carpenters Training Center ("CTC") is hosting an event for its graduating apprentice class. All are welcome to attend! Please see the full announcement below:
MEND Corner: Use and Abuse of Opiates
As a part of its focus on fostering a healthy work and life-balance for its members and their dependents, the New York City District Council of Carpenters Welfare Fund’s (the “Welfare Fund”) Member Education and Network for Dependency (“MEND”) program is pleased to announce its first installment of MEND CORNER.…