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Let Empire BlueCross BlueShield Help you Lose Weight

Losing weight doesn’t have to be an awful task. In fact, Empire BlueCross BlueShield has provided a useful tool to help you get rid of those unwanted pounds. Empire BlueCross BlueShield’s Weight Center will not only help you lose weight, but also save money too! Empire BlueCross BlueShield’s Weight Center…

Automatic Payment Requirement for Retiree Welfare Coverage Premiums Effective July 1, 2016

Effective July 1, 2016, all Retirees will be required to pay their monthly premiums for Retiree Welfare coverage via an automatic payment. For those of you to whom this requirement applies, this notification should have already been received in the mail. As stated in the mailing, there are two options…

April is National Autism Awareness Month

In April of 1970, the National Autism Society declared April as National Autism Awareness month in an effort to promote Autism awareness around the world. Autism is a spectrum disorder that affects about 1% of the world population. It has become the fastest growing lifelong developmental disability, affecting 1 in…

Don’t Forget to Designate a Beneficiary for your Annuity Account with Prudential

It is important to elect a beneficiary for your NYCDCC Annuity Fund account with Prudential and to update your beneficiary any time your financial situation changes. Updating your beneficiary ensures that, should you die, your plan assets will go exactly where you want. If you don’t have a current beneficiary…

NYCDCC Labor Technical College Hosts 47th Annual 4th Year Graduating Apprentice Contest

Click the Image to View Full-Size On Wednesday, March 23rd, the NYCDCC Labor Technical College (LTC) hosted its 47th Annual 4th Year Graduating Apprentice Contest. This popular event, which is highly anticipated each year, once again not only served as a showcase for the skills apprentices have learned during their…

Access Great Discount Programs through Aetna Dental

Did you know that your Aetna Dental plan provided by the NYCDCC Welfare Fund includes access to a wide variety of discount programs? In fact, not only are there no extra costs to take advantage of these discounts, but they're easy to use too! There aren’t even any claim forms or…

NYCDCC Labor Technical College 47th Annual Graduating Apprentice Event

Save the Date! On Wednesday, March 23rd, the New York City District Council of Carpenters Labor Technical College (LTC) is hosting an event for its graduating apprentice class. All are welcome to attend! Please see the full announcement below:

Data Breach Warning for Past and Current Employees of Turner Construction Company

The NYCDCC Benefit Funds recently received notification that Turner Construction Company, a Contributing Employer to the Funds, suffered a data breach which compromised personal information of its employees. The people impacted by this data breach are current or former employees, including interns and trade employees, who received a W-2 form…

March Vacation Checks Update

Some participants have recently contacted the Benefit Funds to inquire about March vacation checks. To help answer your questions, we have prepared the following update: The vacation checks (covering the 4th quarter of 2015), will be mailed by Friday, March 4, 2016. If you wish to know how much you will be…

Building a Healthy Lifestyle

March is National Nutrition month, and there is no better time than now to start building a healthy lifestyle. This doesn’t mean you have to go straight to running marathons and eating kale though. Building a healthy lifestyle is always a work in progress. It’s all about learning more, making…

Important Information for Your 2015 Taxes Regarding Health Coverage and Form 1095-B

The Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”) now requires that you report whether you had health coverage when you file your taxes. If you had health coverage during 2015 from the New York City District Council of Carpenters Welfare Fund (the “Welfare Fund”), the Welfare Fund will send you a Form…

Get your Aetna Member ID Cards Online Anytime

Life just got easier… Aetna Member ID cards are going digital! Now you can get your member ID cards online through Aetna anytime. What’s the difference between your digital card and your physical card? There is no difference! Your digital card makes it convenient for you in that you don’t…

February is American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month and nobody out there should neglect how important heart health is! In fact, did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States? Every year, 1 in 4 deaths are caused by heart disease.…

Remembering your Empire ID Card just got Easier

Have you ever found yourself heading to the doctor, miles away from your home or office, and then suddenly remembered that you left your wallet behind? If you're the type of person who tends to forget things, anything can be forgotten, including your Empire ID card! Luckily, in these modern…

Submitting Vision and Hearing Claims to the Fund Office

When submitting a vision or hearing claim to the Fund Office, there are certain rules you need to follow in order to have your claim reimbursed properly. As you will see below, how you file your claim depends upon whether you are submitting a vision or hearing claim, and whether…

Get Back On Track after the Holidays

The holiday season is coming to an end and most of us are coming to the realization that we enjoyed ourselves with a little too much rest, relaxation…. And food! It’s easy to get into the habit of being lazy, and eating unhealthy foods, especially during the winter months. How…

Get Answers by Using Empire BlueCross BlueShield’s Secure Message Center

Do you have questions about your coverage, a claim, or a program? If so, Empire BlueCross BlueShield has a Message Center available on its website to answer those questions! Empire BlueCross BlueShield’s Message Center is an easy way to ask a question and get the answer you need. There’s no…

December Vacation Checks Update

Some participants have recently contacted the Benefit Funds to inquire about December vacation checks. To help answer your questions, we have prepared the following update: The vacation checks (covering the 3rd quarter of 2015), will be mailed on Monday, December 7, 2015.  If you wish to know how much you…

Managing Stress During the Holiday Season

‘Tis the season… the holiday season that is! And while the holiday season is a time of joy with family and friends, it can also be an extremely stressful time. Between parties, family gatherings, special events, and shopping for the “perfect” gifts, you can end up feeling drained, concerned about…

Compliance and Ethics “No Gift” Policy

The New York City District Council of Carpenters Benefit Funds is committed to a work environment in which the highest standards of ethics and conduct are maintained in all aspects of our operations. As the holiday season is approaching, we want to remind all members that the Benefit Funds’ Compliance…
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