Important Notice to NYCDCC Members Filing for Unemployment
It has come to our attention that some NYCDCC members who have been out of work long enough to qualify for Unemployment Insurance (Click HERE to check New York State qualifications) have been listing the NYCDCC Benefit Funds as their last employer when filling out the application. This is NOT…
WC&C Offering 12 College Scholarships in 2014
The Association of Wall Ceiling & Carpentry Industries of New York, Inc. (WC&C) is now offering twelve (12) $3,000 scholarship awards for 2014. Applicants must have a parent who is a member in good standing with the New York City District Council of Carpenters. Scholarships will be open to both…
April is Alcohol Awareness Month
April is National Alcohol Awareness Month! Too often individuals who are suffering from alcoholism, or have a loved one suffering from alcoholism suffer in silence. There are feelings of shame, guilt, and hopelessness. It can be a very isolating and lonely feeling. But the NYCDCC Benefit Funds is here to…
Available Scholarships for 2014 Increases from 10 to 25
The New York City District Council of Carpenters Welfare Fund is pleased to announce an increase in available Charles Johnson Jr. Memorial Scholarships for 2014. “Qualifying Children” of the membership will now have an opportunity to receive 1 of 25 available scholarships. The previous amount available was 10. This means…
Benefit Funds Creates User Guide to Help Members Manage Benefits
The New York City District Council of Carpenters Benefit Funds would like to take this opportunity to let you know about some exciting changes that have recently taken place within our organization. As you may be aware, effective February 3, 2014 the Benefit Funds went live with a new benefits…
Retiree Premium Statements Mailed on March 4th
Please be advised that Retiree Premium statements were mailed on Tuesday, March 4th. If you haven't yet received your statement, you should do so shortly. In the interim, please do not send your payments to Chase Bank or the Benefit Funds Office until you receive a payment coupon from the…
Prescription Discount Cards Mailed from “Big Apple Rx” Unrelated to NYCDCC Benefit Funds
Recently, the NYCDCC Benefit Funds received word from some members that they had received prescription discount cards in the mail from a company called “Big Apple Rx.” Given that your prescription benefit is through Express Scripts, some members were confused as to why they had received this mailing. To be…
Prescription Discount Cards Mailed from “Big Apple Rx” Unrelated to NYCDCC Benefit Funds
Recently, the NYCDCC Benefit Funds received word from some members that they had received prescription discount cards in the mail from a company called “Big Apple Rx.” Given that your prescription benefit is through Express Scripts, some members were confused as to why they had received this mailing. To be…
NYCDCC Labor Technical College Event
Save the Date! On Wednesday, April 16th, the New York City District Council of Carpenters Labor Technical College (LTC) is hosting an event for its graduating apprentice class. All are welcome to attend! Please see the LTC's full announcement below:
March is National Nutrition Month
March is “National Nutrition Month,” so let’s talk nutrition! How many of us made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight and get fit? We’re sure a lot of us did. Now for the better question... how many of us have followed through with that resolution? We’re going to guess…
March Vacation Checks Update
A number of members have recently called the Benefit Funds to inquire about your March vacation checks. To help answer your questions, we have prepared the following update: The statements for your March vacation checks (covering the 4th quarter of 2013), were mailed to eligible members in mid-February. Your actual…
Benefit Funds Launches Mobile Version of Website
On Tuesday, February 25th, the New York City District Council of Carpenters Benefit Funds launched a mobile version of our website at With the launching of the mobile site, members will now easily be able to navigate a streamlined version of our website on their mobile phones and tablets.…
Mailing of Retiree Premium Statements for March Delayed
Please be advised that there was a delay in mailing out March’s Retiree Premium statements. You should receive your statement shortly. In the interim, please do not send your payments to Chase Bank or the Benefit Funds Office until you receive a payment coupon from the Funds. Once received, please…
Mailing of Retiree Premium Statements for March Delayed
Please be advised that there was a delay in mailing out March’s Retiree Premium statements. You should receive your statement shortly. In the interim, please do not send your payments to Chase Bank or the Benefit Funds Office until you receive a payment coupon from the Funds. Once received, please…
Express Scripts Introduces Mobile App to Help Members Manage Prescriptions
Great news NYCDCC members! The Benefit Funds just received word from Express Scripts that they have introduced a mobile app that allows you to manage your prescription drug benefit with your smartphone. If you choose to download the app on your phone, you will be able to view your orders,…
Benefit Funds, MWA Reach Settlement Agreement
Eligible Members to have Benefits Restored As MWA employees may already know, a settlement agreement was recently reached between the Benefit Funds and the Manufacturing Woodworkers Association of Greater New York (the “MWA”), among other parties, which provides, in part, for the reinstatement of welfare benefits, *if these employees meet…
FASB Notice
As you may know, in July 2011, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”), an independent board which establishes standards of financial accounting and reporting in the United States, issued Accounting Standards Update No. 2011-09. This update provides new requirements for the disclosures that an employer should report on its financial…
NYCDCC Annuity Allocation Letter
New York City District Council of Carpenters Annuity Plan December 2013 Dear New York City District of Council of Carpenters Member, The Board of Trustees of the New York City District Council of Carpenters Annuity Plan is pleased to announce a disbursement of assets from the Plan’s administrative account to…
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